Breast Augmentation: Breast Implants with Rowley Plastic Surgery, Lubbock

by | Oct 13, 2017 | Breast Augmentation Surgery, Breast Implant Education Center

The IDEAL IMPLANT® structured breast implants are now available to women seeking breast augmentation in Lubbock, Texas.  Trained at some of the most prestigious schools in the nation, acclaimed plastic surgeon Jane Rowley, M.D. offers IDEAL IMPLANT® to women looking for a natural look and feel while avoiding the silent rupture concerns and additional MRI costs required for silicone gel implants.

Peace of Mind with a Natural Look and Feel

Dr. Rowley has seen excellent results with the IDEAL IMPLANT®: “This improved technology allows me to offer my patients the best of both worlds—the peace of mind of saline with the natural look and feel that we once thought only silicone gel could provide.  The structured baffling of the new breast implant creates a beautiful, natural appearance, with the peace of mind that saline offers.”

Comparing Breast Implants: Costs and Concerns

Dr. Rowley especially appreciates the high patient satisfaction with the breast implant as well as its lower rupture rate over other implant options. Patients can instantly see if there is an issue, without fear of “silent rupture” as is the case with silicone gel implants.  Plus, if repair, revision, or removal is necessary, a smaller incision is required with the IDEAL IMPLANT®. Many women don’t realize that the FDA recommends an MRI every two years with silicone gel implants in order to detect any silent rupture, a costly procedure not generally covered by insurance.

Dr. Jane Rowley: Superior Experience with Superior Results

Dr. Rowley grew up in Lubbock until attending Creighton University, where she graduated magna cum laude before continuing on to Creighton University School of Medicine, graduating in 1989.  Dr. Rowley pursued extensive advanced training, with a full general surgery residency at Creighton University, including a dedicated year of surgical research and six months of international surgical training in the United Kingdom.. Dr. Rowley was then Board Certified in General Surgery, yet pursued even further training at New York University’s Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, one of the premier plastic surgery training programs in the country, and the prestigious Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital.

Rowley Plastic Surgery: Lubbock Patient’s Trusted Choice

Dr. Rowley is one of the exclusive surgeons nationwide offering the IDEAL IMPLANT® for breast augmentation. Lubbock area patients not only enjoy one of the most respected and highly trained surgeons in the state, they also no longer need to compromise when it comes to balancing peace of mind and a beautiful, natural look and feel when considering breast enhancement.

Considering breast implants in Lubbock, Texas, or researching breast augmentation? Contact Dr. Rowley’s office today to discuss your options. Simply call 806-792-3715 or visit Dr. Rowley’s office is located at 3519 22nd Place, Lubbock, TX 79410. Call today for more information on IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants in Lubbock.