Breast Implants at Galumbeck Plastic Surgery, Virginia Beach

by | Dec 10, 2017 | Breast Implant Education Center, Breast Implants, Testimonials - Surgeons

Women seeking breast augmentation in Virginia Beach have a new option at Galumbeck Plastic Surgery. Dr. Matthew Galumbeck is one of the exclusive surgeons nationwide to offer his patients the latest technology, the IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants. Dr. Galumbeck offers his patients this new type of implant because he wants women to love their bodies and worry less about the risks.

Natural Look and Feel, Peace of Mind

The IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants offer what saline and silicone gel implants do not: natural looking breasts and peace of mind. With the IDEAL IMPLANT women no longer have to worry about a silent rupture, like they do with silicone gel implants. If a silicone gel implant ruptures there is no way to know without an MRI. Because of this, the FDA recommends women get these costly procedures every few years. Saline implants give women the peace of mind that if a rupture occurs they will know simply by looking in the mirror. However, saline implants tend to ripple and look unnatural. The IDEAL IMPLANT has an silicone structure which keeps it from rippling even though it is filled with saline, and give a natural look and feel. With the IDEAL IMPLANT, women get the best of both worlds.

Galumbeck Plastic Surgery: Virginia Beach Women’s Choice For Breast Augmentation

Dr. Matthew Galumbeck, a Board Certified plastic surgeon, has over 17 years of clinical experience. He has trained at some of the top schools in the United States including the College of William and Mary and Duke University. Patients love Dr. Galumbeck not only because of his unsurpassed skills and experience, but because he is truly committed to the outcome of their plastic surgery. Virginia Beach women enjoy knowing they have an excellent surgeon who offers the latest implant technology to give them the best outcome for their breast augmentation.

Considering breast implants in Virginia Beach? Contact Dr. Matthew Galumbeck today to discuss your options. Simply call (757) 491-3204 or visit Dr. Galumbeck’s office is located at 1817 Republic Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Call today for more information on the IDEAL IMPLANT.